
can you explain me steriochemistry i.e. hyperconjugation,optical activity,inductive effect etc.. clearly

can you explain me steriochemistry i.e. hyperconjugation,optical activity,inductive effect etc.. clearly


2 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago


Dear student,

Isomers are molecules that have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of their constituent atoms. Constitutional isomers (structural isomers) have different bonding arrangements of their atoms (connectivity) and usually show very marked differences in physical and chemical properties. Connectivity differences can involve the carbon skeleton or the nature and position of functional groups.

Stereoisomers are molecules with identical connectivity but different spatial arrangements of their constituent atoms that cannot be interconverted by bond rotation.

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Askiitians Expert

Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

Devasish Bindani
45 Points
13 years ago

i m not a lecturer but i can help u on stoichiometry please meet me on line on orkut facebok gmail hi5 etc tomorrow night @10

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