
E2 reaction occurs by periplanar geometry.But if the structure is anti periplanar then what is the mechanism.And what if it is anti coplanar?

E2 reaction occurs by periplanar geometry.But if the structure is anti periplanar then what is the mechanism.And what if it is anti coplanar?


Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear aniket,

The term E2 stands for "elimination bimolecular." Like any elimination reaction, the product of an E2 elimination reaction has one more degree of unsaturation than the starting materials did. For instance, the base-induced elimination of "HX" (dehydrohalogenation) of an alkyl halide gives rise to an alkene (illustrated below for the conversion of tert- butyl bromide to isobutylene).


E2 eliminations, in contrast to E1 reactions are promoted by strong base. The base vital to the reaction; it is directly involved in the rate-determining step. The reaction is bimolecular--that is, it involves "second-order kinetics--because two molecules must come together for the reaction to occur. The mechanism of an E2 elimination reaction is shown below:


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