
Application of drift velocity in form of current all applications

Application of drift  velocity in form of current  all applications 


1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear student
Drift velocity is a term

The average velocity attained by some particle such as an electron due to the influence of an electric field is termed as the drift velocity. The movement or the motion of the particles is assumed to be along a plane and hence the motion can also be referred to as the axial drift velocity.   

The concept of drift velocity can also be understood by studying or noticing the random motion of free electrons moving around in the conductor. These free electrons keep on moving inside the conductor in a haphazard way with random velocities. At times, a conductor may be subjected to an electric field and as a result of it, some kind of electrical force is exerted on the randomly moving electrons but in the direction of the field. This field forces the electrons to switch towards high potential while maintaining their randomness of motion. Scientifically, we can say that the electrons will drift towards higher potentials with their random motions. Hence, we have seen that every electron will have certain net velocity with which it will move towards the higher potential end of the conductor. This net velocity is termed as the drift velocity of the electrons. Since the electrons are said to be moving with drift velocity, even the current which results due to this drift movement of electrons in an electrically charged conductor is called as the drift current. In fact, every current flowing through the conductor is termed as the drift current.

When the charged particles move around in a conductor, their motion is not in a straight line because of their collision with other particles in the conductor. Therefore, the average speed of the particle in the conductor is taken into consideration. This is termed as the drift velocity.

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