
In a fission reaction The binding energy per nucleon of X and Y is 8.5 Me V where as of 236 U is 7.6 MeV. The total energy liberated will be about (a) 2000 MeV (b) 200 MeV (c) 2 MeV (d) 200 keV

In a fission reaction

The binding energy per nucleon of X and Y is 8.5 Me V where as of 236U is 7.6 MeV. The total energy liberated will be about

(a)    2000 MeV

(b)    200 MeV

(c)    2 MeV

(d)    200 keV


2 Answers

Amit Saxena
35 Points
10 years ago


Binding energy

=      117 × 8.5 + 117 × 8.5 - 236 × 7.6

=      234 × 8.5 - 236 × 7.6

=      1989 - 1793.6 = 200 MeV·

Thus, in per fission of Uranium nearly 200 MeV energy is liberated

ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago


Binding energy

=      117 × 8.5 + 117 × 8.5 - 236 × 7.6

=      234 × 8.5 - 236 × 7.6

=      1989 - 1793.6 = 200 MeV·

Thus, in per fission of Uranium nearly 200 MeV energy is liberated

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