
In an experiment on photoelectric effect,light of wavelength 800nm(less than threshold wavelength) is incident on a cesium plate at the rate of 5.0 W. The potential of the coollector plate is made sufficiently positive to the emitter so that the current reaches its saturation value.Assuming that on the average one of every 106 photon is able to eject an photoelectron.The photocurrent in the circuit if in the form 8x*10 -7 A.Find x.

In an experiment on photoelectric effect,light of wavelength 800nm(less than threshold wavelength) is incident on a cesium plate at the rate of 5.0 W. The potential of the coollector plate is made sufficiently positive to the emitter so that the current reaches its saturation value.Assuming that on the average one of every 106 photon is able to eject an photoelectron.The photocurrent in the circuit if in the form 8x*10-7A.Find x.


1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

Use photoelectric effect concept,

hc/l=K.E + work function

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