
You place a glass beaker, partially filled with water, in a sink (Fig. 15-29). It has a mass of 390 g and an interior volume of 500 cm 3 . You now start to fill the sink with water and you find, by experiment, that if the beaker is less than half full, it will float; but if it is more than half full, it remains on the bottom of the sink as the water rises to its rim. What is the density of the material of which the beaker is made?

You place a glass beaker, partially filled with water, in a sink (Fig. 15-29). It has a mass of 390 g and an interior volume of 500 cm3. You now start to fill the sink with water and you find, by experiment, that if the beaker is less than half full, it will float; but if it is more than half full, it remains on the bottom of the sink as the water rises to its rim. What is the density of the material of which the beaker is made?

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Deepak Patra
askIITians Faculty 471 Points
8 years ago




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