
The top surface of an incompressible liquid is open to the atmosphere. The pressure at a depth h 1 below the surface is p 1 ∙ How does the pressure p 2 at depth h 2 = 2 h1 compare with p 1 ? (A) p 2 > 2 p1 (B) P 2 = 2 p1 (C) P 2 p1

The top surface of an incompressible liquid is open to the atmosphere. The   pressure at a depth h1 below the surface is p1∙ How does the pressure p2 at depth h2 = 2h1 compare with p1?
            (A) p2 > 2p1                       (B) P2 = 2p1             (C) P2 p1

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
8 years ago

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