
The surface tension of liquid 4 He is 0.35 mN/m and the liquid density is 145 kg/m 3 . Estimate (a) the number of atoms/ m 2 in the surface and (b) the energy per bond, in eV, in the liquid at this temperature. The moss of a helium atom is 6.64 × 10 -27 kg. Picture each atom as a cube and assume that each atom interacts only with its four nearest neighbors.

The surface tension of liquid 4He is 0.35 mN/m and the liquid density is 145 kg/m3. Estimate (a) the number of atoms/ m2 in the surface and (b) the energy per bond, in eV, in the liquid at this temperature. The moss of a helium atom is 6.64 × 10-27 kg. Picture each atom as a cube and assume that each atom interacts only with its four nearest neighbors.

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Deepak Patra
askIITians Faculty 471 Points
8 years ago

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