Jay Joshi

Grade 8, CBSE

The spring mass system shown in the figure is in equilibrium at rest. If the mass is pushed up by a distance mg/2k and then released, it`s instantaneous acceleration will be(1)g (2)2g(3)g/2(4)0

The spring mass system shown in the figure is in equilibrium at rest. If the mass is pushed up by a distance mg/2k and then released, it`s instantaneous acceleration will be(1)g (2)2g(3)g/2(4)0

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2 Answers

Mahesh Koilada
35 Points
6 years ago
At equilibrium, mg=kx => x=mg/k; (this is the extension in the spring at equilibrium)
It’s given that the extension is reduced by a distance = mg/2k => new extension in the spring = x-mg/2k = x/2;
Equation of motion at the instant the mass is released from x/2 position
mg-kx/2=ma =>mg-mg/2=ma=> a = g/2
All the best.
Ashutosh kumar
13 Points
5 years ago
A man of mass 50kg stand on a frame of mass 30kg he pulls on a light rope which passes over a pulley .the other end of the rope is atteced to the frame .For the system to be in equilibrium what force man must exert on the rope

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