
The period of P of a simple pendulum is the time for one complete swing. How does P depend on the mass m of the Bob, the length l of the string ,and the acceleration due to gravity g?

The period of P of a simple pendulum is the time for one complete swing. How does P depend on the mass m of the Bob, the length l of the string ,and the acceleration due to gravity g?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Rajdeep Singh
26 Points
5 years ago
Clearly, time period is directly proportional to l( length of thread), And inversely proportional to g(accleration due to gravity).
Maryam Abdulsalam
14 Points
5 years ago
In 1975 the roof of Montreal's velodrome, with a weight of 360N , was lifted by 10cm so that it could be centered. How much work was done on the the making the lift

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