
sir the doubt is from fluid mechanics hc verma pg:258 in the intro its given that we assume all fluids non visicous and in compressible untill told. then pressure at a point is defined using limt on f/ ds [ where ds is some finite area] it saysthat in limit f/ds orientation ds doesnot change can u plzexplain why?

sir the doubt is from fluid mechanics hc verma pg:258
in the intro its given that we assume all fluids non visicous and in compressible untill told.
then pressure at a point is defined using limt on f/ ds [ where ds is some finite area]
it saysthat in limit f/ds orientation ds doesnot change can u plzexplain why?


1 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
ds is not just finite
its very small
in that small part orientation is assumed to not change .

visualization in required in this quesion.

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