
If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube. (a) air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger. (b) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes are interchanged (c) air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes become equal (d) there is no flow of air.

 If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by  a tube.
(a) air flows from the smaller bubble to the bigger.
 (b) air flows from bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes are interchanged
(c) air flows from the bigger bubble to the smaller bubble till the sizes become equal
(d) there is no flow of air.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
10 years ago

(a). Let pressure outside be P0

? p1 (in smaller bubble ) = P0 + 2T/r

P2 (in bigger bubble ) = P0 + 2T/R (R>r)

? P1 > p2

hence air moves from smaller bubble to bigger bubble.

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