
How does the concept of simultaneity enter into the measurement of the length of an object?

How does the concept of simultaneity enter into the measurement of the length of an object?


1 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
8 years ago
In accordance to the relativity of simultaneity, it is necessary in every inertial frame to use a special time (Lorentz hypothesis) and special space co-ordinates (Fitzgerald hypothesis) which are different from the time and space co-ordinates in the absolute ether system. From the relativity of space (Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction or length contraction), “Every rigid body appears to have maximum dimensions when at rest relative to the observer. Its dimensions appear to be contracted in the direction of relative motion by the factor √(1-v2/c2) when it moves with velocity v relative to the observer.”

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