
Find the excess pressure inside (a) a drop of mercury of radius 2 mm (b) a soap bubble of radius 4 mm and (c) an air bubble of radius 4 mm formed inside a tank of water. Surface tension of mercury, soap solution and water are 0.465 N m-1, 0.03 N m-1 and 0.076 N m-1 respectively.

Find the excess pressure inside (a) a drop of mercury of radius 2 mm (b) a soap bubble of radius 4 mm and (c) an air bubble of radius 4 mm formed inside a tank of water. Surface tension of mercury, soap solution and water are 0.465 N m-1, 0.03 N m-1 and 0.076 N m-1 respectively.


1 Answers

Deepak Patra
askIITians Faculty 471 Points
10 years ago
Sol. a) P = 2THg/r b) P = 4Tg/r c) P = 2Tg/r

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