
A uniform sphere rolls down an incline. (a) What must be the incline angle if the linear acceleration of the center of the sphere is to be 0.133g? (b) For this angle, what would be the acceleration of a frictionless block sliding down the incline?

A uniform sphere rolls down an incline. (a) What must be the incline  angle if the linear  acceleration  of the center  of the sphere  is to be 0.133g?  (b) For this angle,  what would be the acceleration  of a frictionless  block  sliding down the incline?

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
8 years ago

On a frictionless surface, the block does not experience any torque. Therefore, the block does not have any angular acceleration but the linear acceleration which can be calculated using the same equation of motion as that used for the sphere,

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