
A small object is placed 13,0 cm from the center of a phonograph turntable. It is observed to remain on the table when it rotates at 33i rev/min but slides off when it rotates at 45.0 rev/min. Between what limits must the coefficient of static friction between the object and the surface of the turntable lie?

A small object is placed 13,0 cm from the center of a phonograph turntable. It is observed to remain on the table when it rotates at 33i rev/min but slides off when it rotates at 45.0 rev/min. Between what limits must the coefficient of static friction between the object and the surface of the turntable lie?


1 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
8 years ago
Therefore the lower limit on the coefficient of friction between the turntable and the object is 0.16.
Therefore the upper limit on the coefficient of friction between the turntable and the object is 0.030.

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