
a small cube is contained in a larger cube as shown in figure 8-13 each corner of the small cube is atteched to the corresponding corner of the large cube this is the simple example of spinor.shoe that the inner cube can be rotated through 360° an strings can not be untangled but if the inner cube is rotated through 720° then the strings can be untangled?

a small cube is contained in a larger cube as shown in figure 8-13 each corner of the small cube is atteched to the corresponding corner of the large cube this is the simple example of spinor.shoe that the inner cube can be rotated through 360° an strings can not be untangled but if the inner cube is rotated through 720° then the strings can be untangled?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Dear Ali
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Arun (askIITians forum expert)

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