
Hi, I have got 1963 rank in JEE Advanced. I dont have any specific choice. Based on good IIT and placements could you please help in clg & branch selection. your help will be appreciated. Thanks, Gaurav

I have got 1963 rank in JEE Advanced.
I dont have any specific choice. Based on good IIT and placements could you please help in clg & branch selection.
your help will be appreciated.


2 Answers

Jitender Singh IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 158 Points
10 years ago
Hi Gaurav,
Congratulations! You should try for Civil & Chemical (both B.Tech & dual) at IIT Delhi & IIT Roorkee. You have a good chance of getting ME at IIT Guwahti & ECE at IT BHU. Placement at all old IITs is good.
Good Luck!
Thanks & Regards
Jitender Singh
IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty
8 Points
10 years ago
I agree placements are good in IITs but just confused that should I go for CS in new IITs or should i go for other branches like you suggested.
what are the placement scenarion if we compare CS (new IIT) vs Civil/Chem/ME (old ones)

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