
hi, i got obc rank 1081 in jee advanced. which selection is better, cse at dhanbad or chemical engineering in iitb. actually till now i didn’t have any particular branch interest.

hi, i got obc rank 1081 in jee advanced. which selection is better, cse at dhanbad or chemical engineering in iitb. actually till now i didn’t  have any particular branch interest.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

9 Points
7 years ago
chemical engineering at iit bombay u will get great exposure there .that would have been my choice but if you have interest in cs choose dhanbad ,but then you have to work hard.if you want to do a startup go to iit bombay you can get investers easily .you can take more part in extra cirricular activities which matter a lot at time of placements.but if your interest is in cs choose dhanbad as now it is an iit.
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