
Hello Sir, I'm expecting a good result in AIEEE 2010 but I couldn't qualify in IITJEE 2010.plz tell me if dropping a year for IITJEE 2011 is a good idea or not!

Hello Sir,

I'm expecting a good result in AIEEE 2010 but I couldn't qualify in IITJEE 2010.plz tell me if dropping a year for IITJEE 2011 is a good idea or not!


1 Answers

Askiitian Expert Arpit-IITD
38 Points
14 years ago

Yes, there's no problem in dropping one year if you are ready to dedicate that in studying and nothing else. If you have been selected in AIEEE this year, you can do the same next year too. Then you won't have regret that you haven't tried for JEE even if you had potential.  I suggest to go for one complete year JEE preparation.

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