
Two infinite wires carrying identical current are placed at position A and C normal to plane of the paper as shown in the adjacent figure. The resultant magnetic field (B) at a point P on the perpendicular bisector is a) Along perpendicular bisector pointing towards line AC b) Along Line joining PC and pointing towards C c) Along line joining PA and pointing towards A d) Along line parallel to AC and pointing towards right

Two infinite wires carrying identical current are placed at position A and C normal to plane of the paper as shown in the adjacent figure. The resultant magnetic field (B) at a point P on the perpendicular bisector is a) Along perpendicular bisector pointing towards line AC b) Along Line joining PC and pointing towards C c) Along line joining PA and pointing towards A d) Along line parallel to AC and pointing towards right 


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 833 Points
4 years ago
please use magnetic field formula of infinute wire B=u0i/2pi*r

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