
Fleming’s right hand rule elaborate

 Fleming’s right hand rule


3 Answers

Gman Namg
415 Points
9 years ago
this rule can be understood using our right hand as if the forefinger, the middle finger and the thumb of the right hand are held in the three mutually perpendicular directions. If the forefinger points along the direction of the magnetic field and the thumb is along the direction of motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points in the direction of the induced current. 
thill will then be be used ot calculate out the direction of the induced current
Nikhil kumar
67 Points
8 years ago
Fleming's right-hand rule (for generators) shows the direction of induced current when a conductor moves in a magnetic field.

The right hand is held with the thumb,first finger & second finger mutually perpendicular to each other (at right angles).

  • The thumb is pointed in the direction of motion of the conductor.
  • The first finger is pointed in the direction of the magnetic field. (north to south)
  • Then the second finger represents the direction of the induced or generated current (the direction of the induced current will be the direction of conventional current; from positive to negative).
E.Nandhini ketha
115 Points
6 years ago
Fleming's Right-hand Rule  
thumb denotes the motion
point finger denotes the field
middle finger denotes the current

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