
A charged moving with velocity v is subjected to electric field E and magnetic field B. The particle will go undeflected if (A) E is perpendicular to B (B) E is parallel to v and perpendicular to B (C) E and B both are parallel to v (D) E, B and v atr mutually perpendicular.

A charged moving with velocity v is subjected to electric field E and magnetic field B. The particle will go undeflected if
(A) E is perpendicular to B
(B) E is parallel to v and perpendicular to B
(C) E and B both are parallel to v
(D) E, B and v atr mutually perpendicular.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

25750 Points
5 years ago
Dear student
option 4 is correct i.e. E , B and v are mutually perpendicular.
hope it helps
Arun (askIITians forum expert)

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