
A bar magnet of magnetic moment is ' M ' is bent in the form of an arc which makes angle 60 0 . The percentage change in the magnetic moment is. 1. 9% decrease 2. 9%increase 3. 4.5 % increase 4. 4.5 % decrease

A bar magnet of magnetic moment is ' M '  is bent in the form of an arc which makes angle  60 . The percentage change in the magnetic moment is.
1. 9% decrease
2. 9%increase
3. 4.5 % increase
4. 4.5 % decrease


2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 2095 Points
6 years ago
Ali khan
12 Points
6 years ago
Dear sir,
I posted   
Dear sir,
I posted below question answer is 9% decrease is correct but in solution 4.5% decrease. I not understand clearly.
A bar magnet of magnetic moment is ' M '  is bent in the form of an arc which makes angle  60 . The percentage change in the magnetic moment is.
1. 9% decrease
2. 9%increase
3. 4.5 % increase
4. 4.5 % decrease
Ali khan

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