
what is the remainder when 45^17^17 is divided by 204

what is the remainder when 45^17^17 is divided by 204


4 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
8 years ago
This is 45^289.Expand using binomial and you will get the answer like


Use binomial expansion now
10 Points
8 years ago
in the given hint u have expressed the term as 45.(35^2)144. but the actual expression is 45,(45^2)^144
Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
8 years ago
Ohh yes you can use 45.(2045)^144 .
write 2025 as factor + remainder of 204.
Then use binomial to get answer
Prabhakar ch
577 Points
8 years ago
The answer for your question is 2.942973243e+475
all th best for your bright future
this is correct answer

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