
31/3 . 91/9 . 271/27 . 811/ 81…..upto infinity = (a)√27 (b)3√27 © 4√27 (d)none of these

31/3 . 91/9 . 271/27 . 811/ 81…..upto infinity =

(a)√27                                                   (b)3√27

© 4√27                                                  (d)none of these


2 Answers

saket shrivastava
36 Points
12 years ago

the ans is (d)none of these

reson ::: the geneal term of series is << 10 + (1/3)n >> as n -> infinity, (1/3)n -> 0

as the series doesnot have product of 10 in denominator, the product of series shuld have multiple of 10 in ans

hence it is (d)

Ranjita yadav
35 Points
12 years ago

But ans. is (c)..

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