
If the circle x2+y2+4x+22y+c=0 bisects the circumference of the circle x2+y2-2x+8y-d=0 , then c+d equals to?

If the circle x2+y2+4x+22y+c=0 bisects the circumference of the circle x2+y2-2x+8y-d=0 , then c+d equals to?


2 Answers

imran baig
29 Points
12 years ago

i got the answer 108 if it is correct i can post u solution if not sorry so wat is its answer rply soooon

Ranjita yadav
35 Points
12 years ago

No , ur ans. is wrong..ans. is 50...if u gt this ans. plzz post it ..!!

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