
Mohan can solve 90% of the problems of his mathematics book while sohan can solve 70% of them. If a problem is selected at ramdom, what is the probability that none of them will solve the problem?

Mohan can solve 90% of the problems of his mathematics book while sohan can solve 70% of them. If a problem is selected at ramdom, what is the probability that none of them will solve the problem?


1 Answers

Ashwin Muralidharan IIT Madras
290 Points
12 years ago

Hi Shaleen,


The Probability that none of them solve is:


P(Mohan doesn't solve & Sohan doesn't solve) = 1/10 * 3/10 = 3/100 = 3% chance that none of them solve it.


Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Ashwin (IIT MadraS).

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