
Under what conditions the function y = ax+b/ cx+d , (ad - bc)does not equal to= 0 is it’s own inverse?

Under what conditions the function y = ax+b/
cx+d , (ad - bc)does not equal to= 0 is it’s own inverse?


1 Answers

bharat bajaj IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 122 Points
10 years ago
First inverse the function :
x = ay + b / cy + d
xcy + dx = ay + b
y = b - dx/ cx - a
It should be equal to original function
b - dx/ cx - a = ax + b/cx + d
bcx + bd - dcx^2 - d^2x = acx^2 + bcx - a^2x - ab

By this, we get a = -d should be the other condition.
askiitians faculty
IIT Delhi

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