
Write the Short note of nitrogenous fertiliser and it`s uses

Write the Short note of nitrogenous fertiliser and it`s uses

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
Mineral and natural substances utilized as a wellspring of nitrogen nourishment for plants. They are separated into natural composts (excrement, peat, compost) containing different supplements other than nitrogen; fabricated mineral manures; and green manures (lupine, serradella). 
The vital focuses in field utilization of nitrogen composts are. 
•    Selecting the sort of compost for every specific circumstance, 
•    Determining the right add up to apply, 
•    Applying the manure at the correct time, 
•    Applying the manure in the right position for best harvest usage 

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