
What type of bond is present in nitrogen? A Triple covalent bond B Double covalent bond C Ionic bond D None of the above

What type of bond is present in nitrogen?


Triple covalent bond


Double covalent bond


Ionic bond


None of the above


Grade:12th pass

3 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
3 years ago
Dear student 
A nitrogen atom has 5 electrons in its outer shell.In N2 two nitrogen atom will share 3 electrons and form three covalent bond, this makes Nitrogen molecule. 
So Triple covalent Bond is present in nitrogen.
Option A is correct 
Good Luck 
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
3 years ago

Triple covalent bond  is present in nitrogen.
Nitrogen is a non metal. A nitrogen atom has 5 electrons in its outer shell.
Two nitrogen atoms will each share three electrons to form three covalent bonds and make a nitrogen molecule (N2).
By sharing the six electrons where the shells touch each nitrogen atom can count 8 electrons in its outer shell. These full outer shells with their shared electrons are now stable. The N2 molecule will not react further with other nitrogen atoms.Note the 3 pairs (6 electrons) shared between the atoms.Each electron pair is one bond.Nitrogen has three bonds between its atoms. This is called a triple bond. The triple bond is very strong and this is what makes nitrogen so unreactive (stable).
There are no ions present (no + or - charges) in nitrogen gas because the electrons are shared, not transferred from one atom to another. 

Vikas Amritiya
askIITians Faculty 230 Points
one year ago
A nitrogen atom has 5 electrons in its outer shell.In N2 two nitrogen atom will share 3 electrons and form three covalent bond, this makes Nitrogen molecule. 
So Triple covalent Bond is present in nitrogen.

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