
what is tear gass...............................................................?

what is tear gass...............................................................?


3 Answers

669 Points
8 years ago
Tear gas, formally known as a lachrymatory agent or lachrymator, is a chemical weapon that causes severe eye, respiratory, and skin irritation, pain, vomiting, and even blindness
Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, and causes crying, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, pain in the eyes, and temporary blindness.
201 Points
8 years ago
tear gass IS CCL3 NO2
E.Nandhini ketha
115 Points
6 years ago
The compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, a cyanocarbon, is the defining component of a tear gas commonly referred to as CS gas, which is used as a riot control agent.

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