
What is Fluid Magnesia ?

What is Fluid Magnesia ?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 747 Points
9 years ago
Kruse's Fluid Magnesia Solution (indigestion, reflux and stomach ulcer medicines)is a brand of medicine containing the active ingredientmagnesium (indigestion, reflux and stomach ulcer medicines).
NPS does not currently have a Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflet for this brand of medicine.

CMIs are written by the manufacturer. They explain how the medicine works, as well as giving practical advice on how and when to take it, side effects and potential interactions with other medicines.Find out more about Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflets.

If you would like more information aboutKruse's Fluid Magnesia Solution (indigestion, reflux and stomach ulcer medicines):

read about its active ingredient magnesium (indigestion, reflux and stomach ulcer medicines). The active ingredient identifies the chemical in the medicine that makes it work. Find outmore about active ingredients.
733 Points
9 years ago
Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 is called milk of magnesia or fluid magnesia.

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