
How to find the magnetic moment of [Fe(CN) 6 ] 4- .please solve and help mw understand the process, wgat will be the affect of CN in this complex?

How to find the magnetic moment of [Fe(CN)6]4-.please solve and help mw understand the process, wgat will be the affect of CN in this complex?


1 Answers

Tanmay Agrawal
21 Points
7 years ago
As coordination no. is 6, so according to CFT d orbitals will split in 2 groups of t2g (dxy+dyz+dzx) and eg(dx²-y²+dz²), with energy of t2g lower.As (CN)¹- is a strong ligand therefore pairing of electrons will take place. Fe²+ has d6 configuration.All the 6 electrons will get filled up in the 3 orbitals of t2g,so no unpaired electron is left,hence compound is diamagnetic.

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