
elements whose electronegativities are 1.2 and 4 form 1.Ionic 2. Covalent 3.Coordinate 4.Mettalic 5.cannot be predicted

elements whose electronegativities are 1.2 and 4 form
1.Ionic 2. Covalent 3.Coordinate 4.Mettalic  5.cannot be predicted


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
9 years ago
Actually it is the difference in electronegativity which decides which type of bond an element will have with another bond.
for difference less than 1.7 it is covalent bond
for diffeerence greater than 1.7 it is ionic bond.
So based on the electronegativity it cannot be decided.
It should be the electronegativity difference which decides

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