
AIF 3 is insoluble in anhydrous HF but it becomes soluble in presence of little amount of KF. Addition of boron trifluoride to the resulting solution causes reprecipitation of AIF 3 . Explain with balanced chemical equations.

AIF3 is insoluble in anhydrous HF but it becomes soluble in presence of little amount of KF. Addition of boron trifluoride to the resulting solution causes reprecipitation of AIF3. Explain with balanced chemical equations.

Grade:upto college level

1 Answers

Navjyot Kalra
askIITians Faculty 654 Points
9 years ago
HF is weakly dissociated, while KF is highly dissociated giving a high concentration of F- which leads to the formation of soluble AIF63-
AIF3 + 3 KF → K3[AIF6]
Since BF3 is more acidic than AIF3, it pulls out F- from AIF63- reprecipitating AIF3.
K3[AIF6] + 3BF3 → 3KBF4 + AIF3

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