
how chloroform converted to acetylene

how chloroform converted to acetylene


2 Answers

Akshay Meena
askIITians Faculty 34 Points
10 years ago

Chloroform (CHCl3) --------------> C2H2

For making acetylene (Ethyne) from Chloroform (CHCl3) . We have to Heat it with silver powder and the reaction is like this :

2CHCl3 + 6Ag  -------->  C2H2 + 6AgCl

Ag (silver powder ) behave as a reducing agent in this reaction . Ag itself oxidised from 0 oxidation state to +1 and reduce the carbon oxidation state from +2 to -1 .


Thanks & Regards
Akshay Meena, 
askIITians Faculty
M.Tech, IIT Kharagpur
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
(c) Acetylene from chloroform: When chloroform is heated with silver powder, acetylene is produced. (d) Salicylaldehyde from chloroform: When chloroform is heated with phenol and alcoholic KOH O-salicylaldehyde is produced.

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