
Is DMG (dimethyl glyoxalate) a bidentate ligand? If yes, then why?because according 2 me, there are 4 site for donation 2 nitrogen lone pairs and 2 oxygen negative.

Is DMG (dimethyl glyoxalate) a bidentate ligand? If yes, then why?because according 2 me, there are 4 site for donation 2 nitrogen lone pairs and 2 oxygen negative.

Grade:12th Pass

6 Answers

ruchi yadav
askIITians Faculty 27 Points
10 years ago

Yes it is bidentate ligand.

Thank You
Askiitians Faculty
11 Points
6 years ago
lone pair of Two nitrogen atoms are not available for donation due to resonance stabilisation. on the other hand two oxygen can easily donate elections without any resonance stabilisation.
13 Points
6 years ago
Electronegativity of O is high then NSo O doesn`t give lp and O is also connected with H with h-bonding
ankit singh
askIITians Faculty 614 Points
4 years ago
nitrogen loan pairs are in stablized resonance so cant use for donation only free lone pairs of oxygen are used for donation
Ipsita Choudhury
14 Points
3 years ago
In DMG it is actually the N atoms that act as donors and not the O atoms. This is because, the negative charge over the O atom is involved in pi cloud delocalisation and hence not available for donation. The pi cloud delocalisation will increase the donor ability of O and increase that of N. 
Ipsita Choudhury
14 Points
3 years ago
Sorry, there was a typo. Donor ability of O is decreased. Also, in cases, where the central metal atom is larger than C, the formation of a 5 membered ring is favoured over that of a 6 membered ring to reduce ring strain. The anionic O is also involved in H bonding with the oxinato proton of another DMG unit in case of the tetracoordinated Ni-DMG complex.

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