
sir, i got ee in iit patna.. and unluckily expecting a rank of around 30000 in mains. and therefore will get nit durgapur it. what should be my choice??? btw i am also getting ee in jadavpur university what acc to you will be the best option among these i am interestedin cse and will opt for branch change for sure

sir, i got ee in iit patna.. and unluckily  expecting a rank of around 30000 in mains.
and therefore will get nit durgapur it. what should be my choice???
btw i am also getting ee in jadavpur university
what acc to you will be the best option among these
i am interestedin cse and will opt for branch change for sure


1 Answers

Aziz Alam IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 232 Points
10 years ago

If you have EE in IIT Patna and your possible options include NIT Durgapur and EE in Jadavpur University, it’s better that you stick with EE in IIT Patna. And if you are thinking about branch change then remember the fact that its pretty tough, given the environment of college.

Thanks &Regards
Aziz Alam
IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty

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