
sir can iget an aerospace in any of the top five iits 186 marks scored and iam an OBC

sir can iget an aerospace in any of the top five iits 186 marks scored and iam an OBC

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Saurabh Kumar
askIITians Faculty 2400 Points
8 years ago
Although the chances are less, but this may vary this year as few seats are increased in lower IITs..
just wait for the counselling and hope positively...
Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
There are not many bright chances, you can think of somthing else that may be your second option......I can advise you to visit the official websites of leading institutions of our country which are offering quality education and quite a good placements, you can try any of these – Shivaji Uni, Kolhapur,...............Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,...........Kakatiya Inst of Tech and sci, warangal

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