
Hey there I am a member of ask iitians group....and I just registered and download the sample papers for JEE MAINS.... AND I wanted to know that can I rely on them for good practice plz assure me...

Hey there I am a member of ask iitians group....and I just registered and download the sample papers for JEE MAINS....
AND I wanted to know that can I rely on them for good practice plz assure me... 


2 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
5 years ago
Yes you can plus also solve previous years JEE question papers. All the solutions are available.
akash dutta
109 Points
5 years ago
Yup you can rely on them but you should consider practicung a lot because it takes really a lot of hard work and efforts to get into iits

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