
got 15321 rank in jee advance passed aat exam after that can i get b arch in iit?

got 15321 rank in jee advance
passed aat exam after that
can i get b arch in iit?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Soneel Verma
823 Points
8 years ago
Yes there are pretty good chances for you to get a seat, still you must visit the official weblink of Jeemains to check the current status there and let me tell you that there are some other equally renowned institutions offering Barch with NATA qualification, may be possible thae they consider your AAT, try visiting their weblinks and hence seek admission at – Guru Gobind Singh Inderprastha Uni, Delhi,................Lovely Professional Uni, Phagwara,.............Jadavpur uni, Kolkata

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