Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear kajol
Fitst I will suggest you to join any coaching classes.Because as you are preapearing for IIT JEE then you will face a tough comptition.
coaching classes can guide in a better way.
If you are in 11th standard most effective and possible way is besides school and coaching hour you should give 4-5 hour in your home for IIT JEE Prepration.and for the rest of your board subject except(P C M) you can give 1 hour per day
You may have problem in time managemanet .
You don’t need to worry about that now as can start online coaching where you can have a flexible timing ..So i wud advise you to join
click here for more details about the packages in Askiitians .com :
Just stay calm and focus on understanding rather than mugging. Be regular in class and stay with concepts.Refer good books and always try to solve problems from magazines like MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY TODAY atleast once in two months.
For BOOKS you can see this link
Hope you give your best.
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