
which is the best book for studying organic chemistry?

which is the best book for studying organic chemistry?


3 Answers

Aniket Patra
48 Points
12 years ago

Dear Divik,

First of all make your concepts strong. The elementary study starts from your text books(means the NCERT books,etc). Then you can move to books by Jearmy March, Morrison & Boyd, Solomons & Fryhle, Francis Carey. I must say the god book on Stereochemistry only is obviously by E. L. Eliel.. These are sufficient.. But develope your own tactics for solving your own problems.. That thing is unique and it counts for a good rank in IIT-JEE!!

Warm Regards..

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Deepak kumar ism- Dhanbad
42 Points
12 years ago

morrison and boyad        

is the best book for organic chemestry

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
12 years ago

Organic Chemistry: Morrison & Boyd, Paula Yurkanis Bruice

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