
I have the BITS score 305. Can I get ECE or Electrical at BITS, Pilani with this score? There is the option of dual degree where they award one M.Sc and one BE (Hons) degree. Should i prefer that? What are the prospects?

I have the BITS score 305. Can I get ECE or Electrical at BITS, Pilani with this score? There is the option of dual degree where they award one M.Sc and one BE (Hons) degree. Should i prefer that? What are the prospects?


1 Answers

Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
357 Points
14 years ago


Congrates for good score ..

Yes you can get the ece and electrical @Bits .. Also you can get dual degree .. In Dual degree,  As you have two degrees it gives lots of options for higher studies.... and many reasearch option one has..and it is very easy to get admissions in top colleges..

Check out the cut off of BITs Pilani :

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Vijay Luxmi

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