Flag IIT JEE Entrance Exam> hmm????...
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sir,my friend's AIR in 2010 is 13008 (gen).can he get anything in any IITs, it-bhu, or ism dhanbad???If not then why did they declare a person with a rank 13104 as qualified?????

kumar snehansu , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Kishan IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Kumar Snehansu

13008 is nearly one of the last ranks that have been declared in the list of qualified students. Technically, there are not as many seats as the ranks that are released. However, a lot of students above this rank might want to opt a better branch in an IIT or drop a year and give IIT JEE another shot. Hence, a lot of seats are not taken. If your friend is open to taking any course in one of the IITs, IT BHU and ISM Dhanbad, i think he ll be able to obtain a seat, though it will be one of the very last preference of every student in the qualified list.


Kishan S Srinivas

Askiitians Expert

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