
Hi, can anyone tell me how to reduce toxic gases formed while burning of plastics..we are doing a project...

Hi, can anyone tell me how to reduce toxic gases formed while burning of plastics..we are doing a project...

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Smoke and toxic gases are produced when many plastics are involved in fire. PVC and flexible polyurethane foams can, in a short time, produce toxic gases at substantially higher concentrations than the lethal concentration. The gases could still be lethal after dilution with fresh air to bearable temperatures. These assessments have been made on the assumption that there is no interaction between the toxic gases, though little is known about this as yet. The addition of flame retardants to plastics may reduce their risk of ignition from small sources, but it has been shown that some retardants, incorporated in amounts that ensure the passing of some standard flammability tests, may increase the rate of burning in a fire. Care needs to be exercised in the selection of such treatments, both because of this effect and because the retardant may increase the evolution of smoke and toxic gases. The above effects resulting from the combustion of synthetic plastics are illustrated by data drawn from the current research programme at the Fire Research Station.
Rachel Touthang
35 Points
6 years ago
An insect called wax worm has been discovered digesting polythenes. for them polythenes are nutrients so i would like to suggest that you should find out something about it

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