
A circular plate of diameter d is kept in contact with a square plate of edge d as shown in figure. The density of the material and the thickness are same everywhere. The centre of mass of the composite system will be

A circular plate of diameter d is kept in contact with a square plate of edge d as shown in figure. The
density of the material and the thickness are same everywhere. The centre of mass of the composite
system will be


2 Answers

Deepak karad
11 Points
6 years ago
As both the mass are uniformly distrubuted and their density is also same , therefore center of a system lies im exact centre.
15 Points
5 years ago
Area of square plates is more that the area of the circular disk. As Xcm\int xda/\int da   for a lamina (a=area of the lamina), hence, CM of the system will life inside the square plate.

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