
Name of the discoverer, which discover this equation “S=vt – ½ at 2”, if not then please Give me the name of research paper or book or website or anything authentic, where this equation was published before 2003. Also In my opinion, No one in the world can prove that the “S= ½ (u+v) t” and “S=vt – ½ at 2” are not equations of motion then why these equations are not considered as equations of motion?

Name of the discoverer, which discover this equation “S=vt – ½ at 2”, if not then please Give me the name of research paper or book or website  or anything authentic, where this equation was published before 2003.

Also In my opinion, No one in the world can prove that the “S= ½ (u+v) t” and “S=vt – ½ at 2” are not equations of motion then why these equations are not considered as equations of motion?


2 Answers

mohit yadav
54 Points
11 years ago

 these r discovered by newton

Pratibha Rani
39 Points
11 years ago

they all are discovered by newton

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