
In formula P = (nRT)/(v - b) e -a/RTV . Find dimensions of a and b where P = pressure, n = no. of moles, T = temperature, V = volume and R = Universal Gas constant.

In formula P = (nRT)/(v - b) e-a/RTV. Find dimensions of a and b where P = pressure, n = no. of moles, T = temperature, V = volume and R = Universal Gas constant.


2 Answers

Ramesh V
70 Points
15 years ago

P is pressure in N/m2 dimensional formula is : ML-1T-2

n is dimension less

dimesnion of temperature represented by the Greek letter theta is q

a/RTV shld be dimension less whihc means a has dimesnions same as RTV

dimesnion of a is :ML5T-2

b has dimensions same as volume i.e, m3 or L3

so, dimesnion of a is :ML5T-2

   dimesnion of b is : L3


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Naga Ramesh
IIT Kgp - 2005 batch

soumy jain
18 Points
10 years ago
In formula P = (nRT)/(v - b) e-a/RTV. Find dimensions of a and b where P = pressure, n = no. of moles, T = temperature, V = volume and R = Universal Gas constant.pls explain it step wise and at each sinle level

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